El Lagartijo

El Lagartijo Condena’o

Tengo un lagartijo que vive en mi cuarto. Casi todas las mañanas está encima del marco del espejo del gavetero, bastante alto. Me imagino se pasea por todo el tope durante la noche, como si estuviera en su parque de diversión personal. Hasta le pongo un papel encima al vaso de agua que traigo todas las noches porque parece que de ahí bebe agua o se baña, no sé. Se la dejo durante el día para que lo haga, pero como tomo agua en la mañana, en la noche la tapo. Sé que toma agua o se baña ahí porque un día, cuando entro al cuarto, encontré al condena’o dentro del vaso. La cara que puse debió ser horrorosa porque el pobre lagartijo salió corriendo tan rápido que no creo que sus patas tocaron la superficie antes de llegar a lo más alto posible en el «screen» de la ventana, casi en el techo.

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Remembering the breeze

BUPrRMfIcAAt8hUIt’s amazing how we drift through life, floating, letting our “goals” take us wherever is “needed”. Life moves very fast, and when we look around, we sometimes feel we’re in a strange place… strange, unrecognizable and unfamiliar. What happened with the joy we experienced long ago when we were young? What happened with that place where we felt at home?

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No Choice But to Keep Going

George looked at his watch. He raised his sight and looked out through the window. Was it too late to drive home? After all it was raining and one of the wiper of the car was missing.  He looked at his watch again and he made a decision. There was really no choice.  The exam was next morning and it was only the most important test ever that would validate all his college years.

It was going to be dark soon so he hurried up, packed all his stuff for the weekend and rechecked everything he needed.  He saw the calculator on top of his bedside table, right next to the broken sunglasses. What was he thinking?  He couldn’t forget the most important tool for the test.  He picked up the calculator, the car keys and his bag.  He opened the door.  It was raining hard now.  His car was not far away from the door.  He ran under the rain and nervously took more time to open the door than he normally would.  It was not going to be easy.  He looked at his watch for the third time.  It was 6:00 PM.  He thought he should be home by 9 o’clock.

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